
Online Poker

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Registration code: XXXXXX 101962

Friday, October 2, 2009

SNG Coaching

I had my first sng coaching last night. It went very well and I am very optimistic about improving my game. I plan on doing more sessions. My coach was very thorough and I feel certain it will be money very well spent.

We had a sweat session and I played 4 $6.50 turbos. He gave me some great feedback. We installed SngWizard after that and he showed me some basics - I love it.

Hopefully I will have another session next week. For now I need to go workout and then shower so I can play some poker today!!


Daleroxxu said...

hey it's great to see another SNG blog, i've linked you up on my blog list, feel free to do the same if you want - its

dakota-xx said...

Hi Dale- yes I will link you as well - just give me a few days since I am busy in Vegas right now! I will have some sng discussions soon.