
Online Poker

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Registration code: XXXXXX 101962

Monday, December 8, 2008

Pokertracker Blues

I finally got my desktop back - yeaaa!!! That is the good news. The bad news is that my hard drive had to be replaced so I lost everything - boooo. My emails, my music, my pics, my spreadsheets. Oh well - now I don't have my poker earnings anymore lol. And I don't think I will track that anymore since I have lost it. It seems I play better when I am not keeping up with every win and loss. When I do that I hate to lose so much - without it I feel a lot less pressure to win.

But oh no - have to start all over with Pokertracker again....


Jurn8 said...

Hey dude its jurn8 from cardschat here, do you want to crosslink blogs, this is my link if you want to let me know on my blog or PM me on cardschat.

dakota-xx said...

Sure -be glad to crosslink. But don't call me a dude again lol. I will get your link from the Cardschat thread and will do it over the next few days. Remind me if I forget!

Jurn8 said...

lol sorry about that, ok that will be great if linked yours up !

Unknown said...

thanks for the rail hey :-)

Unknown said...

oh im riverboatrat on cc btw

Jurn8 said...

have you forgotten dakota lol ?? cross link ?

dakota-xx said...

sorry jurn - haven't been in here - will add yours now!